Anyway, my 14th movie of the break was Surrogates, Bruce Willis' action flick about an Earth where people are able to live their lives through robotic counterparts.
It's an interesting idea. What would YOU do if you could sit in a chair, and let your thoughts guide a near indestructible robot, with little or no risk to the user?
Unfortunately, they didn't go in that direction. Disappointment. Instead there was a double twist. I wonder if M. Night Shamamalan was working on this project....
Here is what I think this movie accomplished:
1) Making Bruce Willis look really old. The man looked terrible, especially in comparison with his CGI-enhanced robot. The crow's feet, bald head, ever increasing liver spots and raggedy beard....he really could have joined the other aging action stars in The Expendables....
2) It gave Willis an excuse to use one of his hair pieces. Seriously...look at that thing. AND he sort of looks like Horatio from CSI Miami.....
Other than that, I don't know if the movie had anything good. I finished it because I started it (I'm a stickler for that). Oh, there were pretty pretty girls. And there was Ving Rhames (but it wasn't really Ving Rhames?)
This is definitely a 3. Out of 10.
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